Thursday, June 21, 2007
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
My Napoleon Dynamite Obsession Continues
This video is freakin' funny -- gosh! LMAO
I know I haven't blogged in a while. Sorry, computer issues! I'll return this weekend! I promise!
Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Tara Reid is a star (well sorta) and she cant even get into Hyde in LA! And I'm supposed to stand outside until my feet hurt with high expectations and little results!?! I don't think so people. When are we "commoners" going to start making our own hot spots? Then maybe we can put up a sign that says NO STARS WELCOME HERE. Show them how it feels! Okay, okay, so I'm dreaming. But why not!?! I'd call it Z-List and I promise it's be the hottest unhot spot in the city -- any city....okay im done making jokes and wishful thinking! Enjoy watching a star get dissed everyone.
SASHA (AKA Beyonce on stage) IS MY HERO
Damn she's limber! I've been practicing the stick shift move at home. If you can do it tape it and send me the video, because right abotu now im thinking it's an optical illusion for real. Thoughts? This performance is the only reason the VMAs didn't completely SUCK this year!
Friday, September 01, 2006

Stars Are People Too, People!!
Beyonce and Tom Cruisehave been getting some mighty bad press these days, but I'm still scratching my head as to exactly why. The case: Beyonce is overkilling her career with this speedy new B'Day album(Due out on her real B'Day, September 4th), and her so-called battle to release herself from her Dad's control and her beau Jay-Z from new-to-the-scene-starletRihanna's grip! The verdict: AND!?! She's proven time and time again that she's a truly talented artist who can sell millions of records and not turn into a superdiva bitch. Isn't that all that matters? Okay, so I know you're probably thinking, "But controversey sales, CP", and I agree. But my question is, where's the controversey? I personally dont buy any of the rumors. But, if I did, I'd have to point out that there isn't a woman alive who wouldn't want to embrace her independence at the age of 24 or go buckwild on her boo for chatting it up with some other chick while they're on a date. I mean, seriouslly people, that's NOT NEWS! Now, on the other hand, if Beyonce were considering having a lion habitat built dead smack in the middle of her living room, or dying all of her body hair blue, I could understand the need for all the buzz about her "losing it". Celeb rags, and entertainment news sites assume everyday that we entertainment junkies care about every little detail of a star's life, but I seriouslly bef to differ. As a hardcore entertainment junkie I hate hearing about celeb gossip and news that I saw coming a mile away. Case in point: Beyonce and Jay-Z have enjoyed a mere perfect love affair in the media for the last 3-years, so is it really a suprise that someone would leak a break-up rumor about them dead smack in the middle of the promotional kick for her new album? NO, it's not! So, why am I reading about it!?! As an entertainment reporter, I interview stars every day, and I'm hear to tell you that they're even more normal than US Weekly's "Stars, They're Just Like Us" pages make them seem. They oversleep and miss interviews! They curse up a storm when they think no one's listening. They burp. The fart. And most importantly, they laugh at all the idiots who spend hours and hours a day debating with other idiots on message boards about whether rumors about them or true, false, or just obsurd. Here's a thought: If you added up all the hours you spend reading about where Jennifer Aniston and Vince Vaughn had lunch, where Diddy buys his underwear, and who Pamela Anderson is banging you'd probably find all that time you wish you had to do pursue your dreams and run important errands. Seriouslly, it all adds up. It's taken my exactly 4 minutes to write this 400 word blog entry, when I could have spent those same 4 minutes writing 400 more words for a chapter in my book. What a shame! We should all get a life -- me included!

There are TWO Side to Every Story

Saturday, August 26, 2006
I've been MIA, but I'm SO Back Ya'll!!!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Wednesday, May 24, 2006