Friday, September 23, 2005

Bling, Bling, Baby!

Gibran got me the white gold, diamond, sapphire (my birthstone) tennis bracelet you see here (left). Nothing like bling for your birthday. Especially when you get to wear it next to the bling you already gor for Xmas! Posted by Picasa

The shadiest spot on campus! Posted by Picasa

Wondering how cold it gets in the Bay Area? Check the boots and turtleneck! Posted by Picasa

Me and Ms. Maggie! She hails from CANADA! (Can you believe she'd never heard of Target?) Needless to say, she's in love now!  Posted by Picasa

Meet our class mascot -- Tully. She's cute AND very, very friendly. (This is right before I told her to get her chops off my man! LOL) It's my classmate Jordan's dog. At Berkeley, pets can come wherever you go -- including class! Hey, the teachers started it! Posted by Picasa

The scenery just minutes away from the River Rock Casino in Geyersville, Cali. Posted by Picasa

We're not in Kansas Anymore!

On the way to the indian casino we hit as part of the birthday festivities, we realized we weren't in Kansas anymore. Long walk anyone? Posted by Picasa

So not morning people!

Since, according to my friends, I keep posting all the "embarassing" photos of them. I've decided to zing myself (and Gibran) one good time for laughs sake! So, here goes! (Okay, you can scroll down now!) Posted by Picasa

My Neck of The Woods

My "hood" so to say! (I DO live in one of the nicer, more historic parts of Oakland!) They're there -- I swear! Notice the historic Grand Lake Theatre in the back left. Posted by Picasa

Hace Frio

I've alread told you how cold it gets here -- now, it's this little guy's turn! Posted by Picasa

Extra Crispy Head Gear!

Apparentley this lady REALLY takes pride in her work! (Hey, it's the coolest hat out this season!) Posted by Picasa

Meet my classmates (and friends) Lindsey, her beautiful baby girl, and Rudebay. Posted by Picasa

Max-Out Alert

The GAP across the street from Berkeley. YES, across the damn street. Your (GAP) girl js in trouble! Somebody freeze my card -- fast! Posted by Picasa

RIP Ike Turner (Left)

RIP Ike Turner. Before I could even introduce you all to my lovely fish friends Ike and Tina, it seems that Tina has once again gotten the best of Ike. I don't know what killed him so suddenly, but I'm guessing it was all that tough love. He's rolling, rolling, rolling on to heaven as you read this. (No, I'm not insensitive -- I'm just trying to make light of a sad situation.) If you know me at all, you know how attached I can get to my fish! Posted by Picasa

Contagious Crafts

I think the photog bug that bit me in the butt might have gotta a taste of Gibran's blood too! I can't take the credit for this one. He was manning the camera while I manned the wheel. This is the view of the Bay from the Bay bridge as you cross from Oakland to Frisco in the early evening. Posted by Picasa

"Let's Get Dirt-ay!"

Just one of the MANY bars I plan to hit when I get a break from all this work!!!! Posted by Picasa

Bear Necessities

That night it was all about the BEAR necessities in life! HA! Posted by Picasa

World's Greatest Boyfriend!

Here's to the GREAT guy, who made my 23rd B-DAY the GREATest ever! (Didn't he look sharp ladies?) Posted by Picasa

Monday, September 19, 2005

Whoa Nelly!

We poised with "Gilly" our cool ass horse chauffer Posted by Picasa

Red Carpet Ready

Nicole and Josef arrived in style! Posted by Picasa

Hugging was on the menu ALL night! Posted by Picasa

Young, Broke, and Fabulous

Yes, we paid entirely too much for a 25 minute ride around the Cannery in Frisco. BUT, it was still SO romantic, and well worth the amount I refuse to tell you we paid! Posted by Picasa

THE LOVE SHACK BABY!!! THE LOVE SHACK BABY! My (great) view from the other side of the table! Posted by Picasa

The Head Shot

Before the Party That Wasn't. Gibran and I munched on some oldie but goodie eats at Johnny Rockets. There, he took what I believe to be, one of the best pictures I've ever taken. Here's to my official head shot! Posted by Picasa

The Birthday Party That Wasn't

We all got together Saturday night for the Birthday Party That Wasn't. Yeah, you heard right. We got lost in Frisco driving around for 2 hours trying to find a bowling alley that seemed not to exist. All the other partygoers arrived and LEFT before we ever made it. We all looked nice just the same, right? In case you don't already know, this is Josef, Nicole, and my boobee! Posted by Picasa