Monday, August 29, 2005

The Newest Member of the Penn Family

I'd like to announce the birth of little William Xavier Isiah Penn. Weighing in at 4lbs and 15 ounces (premy but precious) He was born Sunday August 28th at 2:30am to my cousin Will and his brand new fiancee (yeah that's right, she said yes!!!) Joy. I wish them the best, and please, please, please, welcome the newest addition to the Penn Family! Congratuations you guys....P.S. this baby is so COOL his birth will be posted on the Marquee at Madison Square Garden, cause Mommy has connections! Posted by Picasa

Flight to Personal Betterment Delayed at the Gate

Okay, so for those of you who are wondering about the status of my Best Out of Three Challenge, here's the deal: I haven't started yet because Gibran and I are going to do it together. So, stay tuned for my 101 goals, although I KNOW one of them was to take a cross country road trip, so that's one down, right? P.S. Do I look like a Cali girl yet? (See the blond tips and huge smile) Oh, wait, I'm always smiling aren't I? LOL, oh well!!! Posted by Picasa

To The First Kids (of no relation) That I Ever Really Liked

To Demer and Ahmad, I miss you two so much! Be good, and try to always smile as much as you did the day I took all these great pictures of you two! (Muah!!) Posted by Picasa

A New Journey

Now, as for me, I'm here in Oakland, getting used to my new place, new people, and most of all a new workload. If you called me recently and you haven't heard back, you know why! Im in J200 boot camp right now and I'm guessing I'll be busy until Christmas kidding! But, I'm gonna hang in there and learn as much as I can, and in the meantime wish me well as I embark on my journey to get my M.J. Posted by Picasa

My cousin Victoria and little Ms. Jada Posted by Picasa

Cuteness runs in our family

Meet Keyante! Jada's big brother and the only two year old I know who can pop his collar! Posted by Picasa

Meet my baby cousin Jada! Watch out Ms. Pinkett-Smith. She's young, but she's a coming! Posted by Picasa


Um yeah, I was so excited to finally get there, I missed the Welcome to Cali sign....Ah well, it was still nice to get there! Posted by Picasa

Peace pipe anyone?

No, we didn't stop! Posted by Picasa

A Fly By Encounter

Since I'm none for my little gambling "problem", Dad sped through Reno, so I took this one through the windshield! But, you get the point! Posted by Picasa

A Cloudy Day

We were on cloud nine at this point! Literally! Posted by Picasa

Breaker Breaker 1 9, This Strawberry Shortcake..over!

Just us....and the trucks! Posted by Picasa

The Open Road

Try driving through five hours of this!!! Pretty, bt somehow SO not! Posted by Picasa

I lost my A** in Nevada!

I kid you not, we saw a casino (and stopped) just minutes later! (We didn't win big, but I had fun playing the slots at the gas station the next time we stopped!) Posted by Picasa

Add More Salt

Nope, it's not water! So, I'm guessing it's salt. If you look really hard, you can see the foot prints and tractor marks. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Still Trippin'

Salt Lake City on acid! Lol, just kidding! Since the pic came out blurry (because my dad is so darn heavy footed) I though I'd play around with the color effect on my camera! Posted by Picasa

Cool, but not quite!

Eh, I've seen mightier mountains! (The Appalachians in West Virginia makes these look like jungle jims) Posted by Picasa

Land Of the Grim

Land of the Grim! AKA the outskirts of Salt Lake City. Posted by Picasa

So Close, But Yet So FAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We thought we were close when we hit Utah...we were SO wrong! (But all the salty deserts were a plus!) Posted by Picasa

Proud Windmills Keep On Turnin'

Turn baby turn!!!! Posted by Picasa


But, after about 5 hours, these picture-perfect mountains did get a little old and boring! YAWN!!! Posted by Picasa


I was so inspired by the scenery, I just wanted to hop out the car, jump on the back of a horse, let my hair loose and go jump some boulders....REALLY! Posted by Picasa

The Rocky Road Ahead

It was a rocky road through Wyoming! ; - ) Posted by Picasa

Mr. Penn's Workout Tape

Uh...ahh...yeahhhhh!!! My dad had to hop out for a stretch...afterall, he did do MOST of the driving! (Hey, I was tooo busy takign pics!) Posted by Picasa

Howdy Yall!

I was really looking forward to reaching the Wyoming state always wanted to meet/see a real cowboy...unfortunately I didn't. But, hey, I took some really awesome pictures just the same! Posted by Picasa