Saturday, October 15, 2005

School Daze

This week, I've felt more like a bogged-down grad student than ever before. I've had work, work, work, on my mind, and seemingly not enough time to accomplish most of it. The good news is, I'm trying, and the even better news is that the semester is 6-weeks from over. SIX WEEKS!!! Wow, time goes fast. I'm still trying to figure out what I want to be for Halloween. I dream of doing the "Ike and Tina" skit all night, but my dear-ol'-flakey friend Josef doesn't seem to wanna be down. It's cool, I'm still searching. So far, Whitney's out, I can't lose 140 pounds in two weeks. I was thinking about maybe being a boy, but I'm way too girly for that. Any ideas anyone? I've dressed like a whore and gone as a black Charlie's Angel, and I've been a sexy kitty WAY too many times. Maybe I should just go as a college student, and mess up my hair, forget to cover my under-eye bags with concealer, and leave food stains on my two day old t-shirt. Any better? HELP!! Apparently Halloween is huge in San Fran, and I don't want to run the streets that night, in a corny costume!!! I'll take ANY suggestions you guys are giving. Posted by Picasa

Monday, October 10, 2005

Star Struck!!

If you aren't familiar with The New Yorker writer Hilton Als, you should be. He's been an editor at Vibe and Essence magazines, and he's recieved many awards from the New York Association of Black Journalists. He's got so many other fabulous things on his resume, but I won't even go there right now. He's here at Berkeley to teach us all the skill of creative non-fiction writing and I have to say, I'm in love. He's just as entertaining as his writing, and we've already become great friends. He got me half-drunk on Friday night, and in the process a group of queens came over to our table to compliment my cleavage. So awkward, yet somehow so satisfying. LOL. Well, enough groupie ranting from me. HILTON ALS ROCKS!! Google him, and see it for yourself bitches!!!!



Downtown Oakland, and Lake Merrit! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, October 09, 2005


I covered a corporate cook-off last weekend. Lets just say I ate WELL! There were pork stations, chicken stations, seafood stations. It was a girl on a diet's worst nightmare, man. But, I made it through, and the story came out well. As of now, I haven't gained a pound. Staty tuned for more updates! Posted by Picasa

What forest means in Oakland! Posted by Picasa

Seeing a 50 foot palm treet was a first for me Coconuts anyone?. Posted by Picasa

Not something I would have ever seen on the East Coast -- that's for sure! Posted by Picasa

Where land and water meet! Posted by Picasa

I guess this dog's owner has a fetish we WONT discuss. Halloween is in THREE weeks right? Posted by Picasa

Prime Real Estate

We sailed by the town of Solono -- so breathtaking! Posted by Picasa

An f-16 flying over Alcatrez! Posted by Picasa

The planes were so close we could see the pilots! Okay, well, not exactly. But they WERE pretty damn close! Posted by Picasa

INCOMING!!! Posted by Picasa

The Golden Gate Bridge doesn't look so golden in the early evenings! But it's still a sight to see! Posted by Picasa


"HI DAD" Posted by Picasa

SO MUCH FUN!!! Posted by Picasa

I'm was a little colder than I look in this picture! Posted by Picasa

We had a GREAT view of San Fran from the boat. I'd live out there if it weren't so damn cold! Posted by Picasa

There were a million boats out on the water celebrating FLEET WEEK. Here's one of the cooler neighbors we had! Posted by Picasa

Peter makes steering look easy, but as you saw from my earlier pic, it SO isn't! Posted by Picasa

This is about the only time bundling up in a UC Berkeley sweatshirt is cool. LOL. Tony and I did our best to keep warm on deck!!! Posted by Picasa

Thanks to my classmate Kate, and her sweet husband Mark I got TWO chances to sail the bay on their cute little boat Chips and Salsa. THANKS GUYS!!! You're the best!!!!!!!!!!! Posted by Picasa

We all set out to see the military pilots show off their best work for Fleet Week in San Fran. From the top left, clockwise: Kate (boat owner), Joseph, Me, Adrienne, Peter, and Tony. Kate's husband Mark snapped the pic!!! Posted by Picasa

That's my girl Tony (from Texas) lounging on deck with Peter. The weather was beautiful!!! Posted by Picasa

My friend Adrienne came along too!! She's originally from Reno, Nevada. Posted by Picasa