School Daze

This week, I've felt more like a bogged-down grad student than ever before. I've had work, work, work, on my mind, and seemingly not enough time to accomplish most of it. The good news is, I'm trying, and the even better news is that the semester is 6-weeks from over. SIX WEEKS!!! Wow, time goes fast. I'm still trying to figure out what I want to be for Halloween. I dream of doing the "Ike and Tina" skit all night, but my dear-ol'-flakey friend Josef doesn't seem to wanna be down. It's cool, I'm still searching. So far, Whitney's out, I can't lose 140 pounds in two weeks. I was thinking about maybe being a boy, but I'm way too girly for that. Any ideas anyone? I've dressed like a whore and gone as a black Charlie's Angel, and I've been a sexy kitty WAY too many times. Maybe I should just go as a college student, and mess up my hair, forget to cover my under-eye bags with concealer, and leave food stains on my two day old t-shirt. Any better? HELP!! Apparently Halloween is huge in San Fran, and I don't want to run the streets that night, in a corny costume!!! I'll take ANY suggestions you guys are giving.