Wednesday, March 22, 2006

The Kitchen

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The Dining Room Area

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My Favorite "Reading" Chair

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Me and My Rainbow-Bright-Good-Feng-Shui- Nothing -But-Positive-Energy-Room

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My Bedroom Take 2

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Gibran in my living room!

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Hallway from bed to bath!

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Monday, March 20, 2006

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My Bedroom!!!

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From Us To You

Hi Blog Fans! Sorry, it's been a while since we last spoke. I've had the flu and a severe bronchial infection, plus Gibran and I are adjusting to our "new life" together in Cali. As you can see, I'm better and we're good. To celebrate my first day breathing through both my lungs, we went back up to Grizzly Peak to watch the sunset over the Bay. (Oh and for all those of you who hate me for always forgetting to send pictures, you can double click on any pic on this blog, and then right click on it and save it to your computer. After you do that, you can upload it to,, or and have them send you 3x5s, 5x7s, or wallets, right to your door for CHEAP!!) So, if you want a picture, steal one from us, we don't mind!

This week will be a busy one for me, but I WILL upload last weeks pics, so please, please, stay tuned!

All My Love,

Charli Posted by Picasa