Monday, July 25, 2005
Daddy Dearest

Okay, I admit it, I have his head!!! LOL. Hanging with my dad all week was great! We have an extremeley rare relationship -- we actually get along ALL the time, and we can talk about ANYTHING -- yeah, I said it, ANYTHING. ( And yes, that does mean your business!) Just kidding! LOL. But, he really is the world's best dad. When my mom died he had no choice but to take over both roles, and I have to say he really gets an A+ for effort. I wouldn't be half the woman I am today, if it weren't for him, and I know my life is better because he's there to support me. Most people would kill NOT to have to be stuck with their parents for a week of one-on-one time, but I actually had a blast. Call it corny if you'd like, but parental units don't get much cooler than my dad! Here's to you Pops!