Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Soooooooooooul Train Line Anyone?

I see you baby, shakin' that ass. Shakin' that ass!! Posted by Picasa

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And Now We Return to the Saturday Night Movie

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Shh...Don't tell Gibran!!!

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Like Whoa!!

I nearly bust my a** on the ice (well faux ice). But tt was fun though!!! Posted by Picasa

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Life Size Ornaments

These balls were bigger than my head!! Posted by Picasa

That's What Friends Are For...

Nic and I lean on each other when schoolwork gets tough!!! (And when it's time to take funny holiday photos!) Posted by Picasa

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Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree..

Nicole and I decided to visit a local tree to get the holiday spirit going!!!! Posted by Picasa