"Who you are to become, you are now becoming!" -- My Dad quoting someone I can never remember.
Welcome! My favorite things about my life are the people I meet along the way, the mistakes I make that force me to grow, and the memories and experiences that have begun to shape who I am today. I consider this blog the back window of my world. The blinds are open, if you'd like to take a peak. Enjoy, and thanks so much for coming!
For my nest photoessay assignment I'm capturing my friend Lindsey, her husband, and their baby girl Keely. Keely's learning how to walk, and I'm snapping every moment of it.
Okay, lets play a game. Can you guess which "guy" friend of mine this is, decorating the sidewalk in the middle of the night. For his sake, I won't name names, but if you know him well enough to figure it, I'm sure he won't mind THAT much! Ah, the drunken party antics...!
Introducing, the "Adios". I had twof these, and I was saying just that..."BYE... to the bar and to my soberness. Plus, being a ZETA and all, it was a treat to guzzle a delicious BLUE alcholic beverage...Shout out to the ladies of the Beautiful Beta Iota Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. ZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzPhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Soooooooooooooooooooooooo Sweet. Sweet, Sweet!!!
Mark (er...Martina) won first place for best costume that night. I thought I was the hottest, buy hey, Mark is working that cheerleader outfit better than I did back during my Varsity Squad days in high school. Give Me a "M", Give Me a "A", Give Me a "R", Give Me a "K". MAAAARRRRKKKKK!!!!!!! GOOOOOOOOOOOO MAAAAAAAARRRRRRRKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My girl Jenn Buck (middle) took all these pics quys. I can't take the credit this time. I got there and realized I forgot my camera!!! So sad, so sad! But, luckily she saved the day. Can you guess who she is?(Notice the "PRESS" sticker on her hat?) Still stuck? Well, she's Clark Kent if you didn't know. And for those of you who did, good job!!!
That's right, I was Too Sexy Tina Turner for Halloween this year. I was working the shingle dress all the way, guys. Tina's legs may be insured but I think I have a "leg" up on her in this dres....lol...pun intended.