"Who you are to become, you are now becoming!" -- My Dad quoting someone I can never remember.
Welcome! My favorite things about my life are the people I meet along the way, the mistakes I make that force me to grow, and the memories and experiences that have begun to shape who I am today. I consider this blog the back window of my world. The blinds are open, if you'd like to take a peak. Enjoy, and thanks so much for coming!
Nicole and I trying to keep warm on the freezing cold strip! Now, I've got everybody calling her Coldie Locks, like I always do. That girl has that LA blood in her for life!!
From left: Gibran, Stephanie, Luckie, and Nicole. There were escalators, walkways, and stairs built over EVERY part of the strip. Crossing the street takes A LOT more work than it normally would! But, as you can see, we stayed in good spirits!
Me, excited about the shoes I just bought at the famous Fashion Show Mall in Vegas. I didn't get to see the show they put on inside, but Gibran and I were chosen to be interviewed live for a new couples game show NBC is putting out next year. If we're selected, we get a chance to play for a million bucks and an awesome vacation. Cross your fingers for us!