"Who you are to become, you are now becoming!" -- My Dad quoting someone I can never remember.
Welcome! My favorite things about my life are the people I meet along the way, the mistakes I make that force me to grow, and the memories and experiences that have begun to shape who I am today. I consider this blog the back window of my world. The blinds are open, if you'd like to take a peak. Enjoy, and thanks so much for coming!
The BRAZIL CAFE on University Ave. in Berkeley has great sandwiches and even better smoothies. Plus, the student combos wont put a dent in your wallet.
The other Joseph and I went for a walk through Berkeley's campus today in search of a good lunch. You can tell by Joseph's smile that we found something.
Showtimes hit series has NOTHING on the "Soul Food" we were served at Dorsey's Locker in West Oakland. I recommend the fried catfish and smothered chicken. Oh man, just thinking about it makes me want to go back again, and again, and again.
Edwin and Josef spent more time at the bar then most, but I GUESS they made out alright. Actually, poor Josef (left) looks like he should of taken a breather! HAHA
I've seen a lot of juke boxes in my day, but the one at Dorsey's Locker in Oakland, has the soul classics locked down! There were too many goodies to choose from. I ended up wasting a dollar on four songs I never got to hear. Ah, well, it provided entertainment for all!
From left to right: Edwin, Josef, and Luckie, did their best to hold things down while out with 8 ladies, but I get the feeling that it wasn't such an easy thing to do. Hey, good thing the bar was stocked, and the game was on!!! A for effort guys -- really!
Nic and Steph (back right) pose with five of the six visiting Rodger's Program girls. It's great having you here ladies! Good luck, and I hope you decide to come to Cal.
Six students from historically black colleges and universities, found their way to UCB as part of the Rodger's Program. The trip was on the school, and the girls were hand selected to come and spend a week at the j skool to see what life in grad school is like. You know we had to show 'em that we can party. We spent Wednesday night at Dorsey's Locker in West Oakland -- a soul food juke joint with great eats and good music. Here's Nic and Shyra (from Clark Atlanta University) gettin' nice!
While Luckie gulped down a shot of rum and coke, somebody said something pretty funny. Let's just say he's NOT blowing his nose here. OUCH -- I hope he still has some nose hairs left.
We, the black grad students in the program, decided to take the visiting HBCU students out for dinner last night. Before they arrived Nicole and I did our best to figure out how to turn on this old school dart game machine. We failed! But hey, who plays darts these days anyway?
Between classes at the j skool, my classmates and I usually flock to the nearby food court on Euclid to munch on whatever cuisine we're in the mood for. Wednesday was Vietnamese and Japanese. It got a little sunny, but Peter made sure to show Toni that chivalry is not yeat dead!!!
Nic and I got all dolled up for dinner and am movie last Saturday night. The movie: "G" -- the black reenactment of The Great Gatsby. (Which was surprisingly well done, by the way!) The dinner: Denny's. It was supposed to be Applebees, but we got a little too hungry to make the 20 minute drive to Alameda, so we settled for diner style yummies in Emeryville. I swore I'd never eat at Denny's after rumors of overt racism there, but I learned not to judge a book by it's cover. My honey BBQ chicken wasn't so bad!
It's dark, and yes we were still lingering around the j skool. Sometimes, it just feels like home. I mean, you suffer there. You triumph there. You sleep there. You eat there. You laugh there. You cry there. You smile there. (See above)
Life in the newsroom at the j school can be nuts, but when we're not slaving over keyboards, laptops, and notebooks, we're making the best of the time we have together. I brought the cam in to get some shots of my me and my hard working classmates. Here's Lindsey and I on a break during the production of our special elections website project. She's got a killer smile -- can you tell she's a broadcast girl?