Monday, October 10, 2005

Star Struck!!

If you aren't familiar with The New Yorker writer Hilton Als, you should be. He's been an editor at Vibe and Essence magazines, and he's recieved many awards from the New York Association of Black Journalists. He's got so many other fabulous things on his resume, but I won't even go there right now. He's here at Berkeley to teach us all the skill of creative non-fiction writing and I have to say, I'm in love. He's just as entertaining as his writing, and we've already become great friends. He got me half-drunk on Friday night, and in the process a group of queens came over to our table to compliment my cleavage. So awkward, yet somehow so satisfying. LOL. Well, enough groupie ranting from me. HILTON ALS ROCKS!! Google him, and see it for yourself bitches!!!!




Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Charli!

Let me just tell you that I am SO jealous of you right now!! Love the pics, love the updates, love the blog! Yeeeaaah, so what if I'm living vicariously through you!...LOL. Email me!


7:02 PM  

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