Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Since I'm always complaining about working and going to school I figured I'd pause on the complaints for a while and show you all just how much I loved my job (okay, well the people I work with, rather!) Okay, no I'm lying, I love my job too. But I love my Alloy Editorial girls even better. Meet my co-workers. This is a pic of us at Six Flags on our office trip 8/22/06 ( I think). And yes, I flew all the way across the country to work AND PLAY. Top row from left: Megan (Assistant Photo Editor), Yours Truly (West Coast Editor of and Deepa (Copy Editor/Workflow Manager), Jeneice (Numbers girl -- she keeps track of how many people love what we do and keep coming back for more.) Bottom row from left: Rebecca A.K.A Becks (Senior Editor), Dara (Photo Editor), and Emily (Senior Editor). We used to have a great boss named Summer Krecke, but she left us to move on to bigger and better things at (as the Executive Editor -- shout out to Sums!) She's not pictured, but not forgotten! Posted by Picasa


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