Friday, March 03, 2006

Keep On Smilin'

Today was a very, very, very bad day for me. I won't say why, but I will say that sometimes I forget how hard it can be to smile. Stress is a bitch and if you let it, she'll terrorize your damn life. I say, hit her with a triple shot of Motrin (aka good faith, positivity, and a smile) and in the end, you'll wind up back in charge of your life. On a sidenote, all those out there considering grad school sometime in the near future, my advice to you: 1. Don't EVER look at it as having some time off. (I spend many nights still fully clothed asleep on my couch, and Saturday nights are rarely spent away from my computer.) 2. Don't lie and tell yourself it'll be a breeze, since you made it through undergrad and have a few years work experience under your belt. (Cause it SO aint!) 3. Don't fear traveling far away to do it. Sometimes when you have no safety net, you find that you can achieve and overcome SO much more by your lonesome. New city, new roads, new laws, new people, NO problem! (Did you know 84% of Americans grow up, attend school, marry, work, have kids, and die no more than 20 miles from where they were born?) Don't become one of those people. The world is too damn big for that. Don't you wanna have something to tell your kids? 4. Have all your fun before you come, because grad-school workload is no joke. Sure, you can do it, but I promise you that you won't have much time to party in the meantime. It's just not realisitic. Will you have a chance to let loose and find ways to relax? Yes. But, will you be able to procrastinate, cram, skip assignments and still get good grades? In the words of Ms. Whitney: Hell to the NAW! 5. GO FOR IT! All things are possible! Okay, enough lecturing from you!

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