Sunday, November 13, 2005


Okay, so it's Sunday. Gibran just woke me up and I still feel half dead. Grad school takes SO much out of you. The workload is heavy and the nights are long. Sometimes, you're so busy running around reporting and writing you don't have time to take care of yourself. YOU SHOULD. But you don't always get the chance. My apartment started running me, the laundry piled up, the groceries go bad. Some mornings you feel like you're waking up in a bed of chaos. I've been feeling less and lesss like myself each day, and that has to stop. I'm making a stand and I'm taking my life back. In life, things can get crazy, but it's not about the drama, it's about the triumph. I spent the entire weekend holed away inmy apartment cleaning the place from corner to corner. Once I started, I just couldn't stop, and now that I'mdone I'm glad to say, the place looks like MINE again. Next stop, a better work schedule each week. Planning is an essential part of life, but it's probably one of the most annoying things to sit down and do. I know a few anal retentive obsessive compulsive organized freaks, and to tell you the truth, they bug me. No offense to all you people who never miss a beat. But, in my life I bend and break the rules sometimes -- it's fun. Kudos to you for never making a mistake, but I have to ask -- When's the last time you just let go? Pay a bill a day late. Sleep an extra ten minutes. Don't check your e-mail before you go to bed. Make a second to call someone when you're busy -- because you miss their voice. Live a little. Well, enough venting against the well-prepared. My life is by no means off track -- it's just a little off balance these days. I've decided to work on improving a different aspect of my being each week. I'll post here, and keep you posted! Wish me luck!


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