Monday, August 01, 2005

Strong Genes

Gibran and Neki. Do they look alike or what? Posted by Picasa


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Charli!!! It's ya girl Kendra. I remember you telling me about this site now. I had forgotten about it until today. I love the site (with all the cute pictures and subtitles)! My favorites are "Bird, Bird, Bird" and "For the Haters". And please believe that I'm getting my 101 goals together so we can start at the same time. You know what my #1 long term goal is - to be one of those black actresses who is always in all of the black films (and white ones).... Even if I do have to play a prostitute and sing "You know it's hard out here for a pimp"!!! LOL!
I'm soooo proud of you. You are doing big things..... onward and upward is the only way to go and you are well on your way!!!! Anyway, I'm going to send you 2 pictures of me so I can be included on your blog spot!

7:08 PM  

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